MAN 1210 - Industrial Materials

This is an introduction to types and uses of industrial materials. Topics include the three general classifications of materials: ferrous metals, nonferrous metals, and composites. Emphasis will be placed on the manufacture, properties, and applications of these materials in contemporary industry. Corrosion and powder metallurgy will also be covered.

IAI Codes - Illinois Articulation Initiative (If applicable)

TQM 1210 - Managing Customer Service

Attracting and keeping customers in a highly competitive business environment is challenging. Consistently delivering the "service edge" that keeps customers coming back distinguishes the successful business from the rest. The manager plays a critical role in working with staff to identify customers and define methods to effectively communicate with those customers. The major emphasis of this course is on empowerment, working with staff to ensure that they are: knowledgeable about their customers and how to best serve them, familiar with techniques to handle complaints, and comfortable with their role as "the company" in each moment of truth.

IAI Codes - Illinois Articulation Initiative (If applicable)